by Correll CU, Skuban A, Ouyang J, Hobart M, Pfister S, McQuade RD, Nyilas M, Carson WH, Sanchez R, and Eriksson H.American Journal of Psychiatry. 2015 Apr 16 [Epub ahead of print]
by Kane JM, Skuban, Ouyang, Hobart, Pfister, McQuade, Nyilas, Carson, Sanchez, and Eriksson.Schizophrenia Research. 2015 Feb 12. [Epub ahead of print]

by W. Wolfgang Fleischhacker, Raymond Sanchez, Pamela P. Perry, Na Jin, Timothy Peters-Strickland, Brian R. Johnson, Ross A. Baker, Anna Eramo, Robert D. McQuade, William H. Carson, David Walling and John M. KaneThe British Journal of Psychiatry. 2014 205:135–144.FundingThis study was supported by Otsuka Pharmaceutical Commercialization, Inc. [Tokyo, Japan]. Editorial support for the preparation of this manuscript was provided by Suzanne Patel at Ogilvy Healthworld Medical Education and Amy Roth Shaberman, PhD, and Brett D. Mahon, PhD, at C4 MedSolutions, LLC, a CHC Group company; funding was provided by Otsuka Pharmaceutical Commercialization, Inc. and H. Lundbeck A/S.AcknowledgementsThe authors would like to thank Svetlana Ivanova, PhD, Otsuka Pharmaceutical Development & Commercialization, Inc., Rockville, MD, USA, for her contribution to the analysis and interpretation of data.
So we wonder who is on the faculty of this Free CME? I clicked on the link to Adherence, Recovery, and the Role of LAIs in Schizophrenia:Faculty
Christoph U. Correll, MD
Professor of Psychiatry and Molecular Medicine
Hofstra North Shore – LIJ School of MedicineMedical Director of Recognition and Prevention (RAP) Program
The Zucker Hillside Hospital
Glen Oaks, NY John M. Kane, MD
Professor of Psychiatry
Hofstra North Shore – LIJ Health System School of Medicine
Vice President
Behavioral Health Services of the North Shore – LIJ Health System
Chairman of Department of Psychiatry and Chief of Staff
The Zucker Hillside Hospital
Glen Oaks, New York John Lauriello, MD
Chancellor’s Chair of Excellence in Psychiatry
Executive Medical Director of the Missouri Psychiatric Center
School of Medicine, University of Missouri Health System
Columbia, MOTake a look at the Learning Objective and guess what you’re going to learn – for free. Oh by the way, John Lauriello, MD is the senior author of a glowing handout review of Abilify®Maintena.
In the spice must flow…, I joked "[it was one·stop shopping for both ghost·writers and KOLs]," but it was bigger than I knew. The Hofstra faculty provided not only authors for both Brexpiprazole papers, but also the Abilify®Maintena paper and the Abilify®Maintena CME – all of which were aimed at holding onto the market as Abilify® becomes generic. This was one·stop shopping-maximus [though Abilify®Maintena did get different ghost-writers]. The Abilify®Maintena study had 98 sites!
Guest Authors: In this case, the articles are no longer crammed with academics like a decade ago. I guess it only takes one to be the ticket into an academic journal. In this case, the main authors came from Hostra [The Feinstein Institute] for the articles and C.M.E. Their C.V.s and C.O.I. are heavily weighted with Clinical Trials of drugs.
Ghost-Writers: All articles had the characteristic writing/editorial support usually indicating the paper being ghost-written [and some ghost-statisticians].
Multiple International sites [60+57+98=215] and large subject cohorts [636+674+662=1972; 1972÷215=~9 subjects/site] ["fast" "sensitive" trials].
Selective Presentation: eg effect sizes reported in Correll et al [high] but not Kane et al [low].
Results Database on Missing in Correll et al and Kane et al.
And: a bunch of stuff I can’t see through the haze…
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