never been imposed…

Posted on Friday 20 November 2015

We live in a time of meta-analyses [studies of studies]. This one selected the 15 new drugs approved during 2012 from large pharmaceutical companies [from among 48 new drugs approved that year]. They looked at all trials [from all phases] to see if they were registered, reported, published, or reported-or-published [public]. They also partitioned them in various ways [for ethical versus legal compliance], then created transparency criteria to rank the studies. Be warned – the text is dense. One reason it’s here is that it explains when public disclosure is required and quantifies the compliance rates:
by Jennifer E Miller, David Korn, and Joseph S Ross
BMJ Open 2015;5:e009758.

Objective: To evaluate clinical trial registration, reporting and publication rates for new drugs by: [1] legal requirements and [2] the ethical standard that all human subjects research should be publicly accessible to contribute to generalisable knowledge.
Design: Cross-sectional analysis of all clinical trials submitted to the Food and Drug Administration [FDA] for drugs approved in 2012, sponsored by large biopharmaceutical companies.
Data sources: Information from Drugs@FDA,, MEDLINE-indexed journals and drug company communications.
Main outcome measures: Clinical trial registration and results reporting in, publication in the medical literature, and compliance with the 2007 FDA Amendments Acts [FDAAA], analysed on the drug level.
Results: The FDA approved 15 drugs sponsored by 10 large companies in 2012. We identified 318 relevant trials involving 99,599 research participants. Per drug, a median of 57% [IQR 32–83%] of trials were registered, 20% [IQR 12–28%] reported results in, 56% [IQR 41–83%] were published, and 65% [IQR 41–83%] were either published or reported results. Almost half of all reviewed drugs had at least one undisclosed phase II or III trial. Per drug, a median of 17% [IQR 8–20%] of trials supporting FDA approvals were subject to FDAAA mandated public disclosure; of these, a median of 67% [IQR 0–100%] were FDAAA-compliant. 68% of research participants [67,629 of 99,599] participated in FDAAA-subject trials, with 51% [33,405 of 67,629] enrolled in non-compliant trials. Transparency varied widely among companies.
Conclusions: Trial disclosures for new drugs remain below legal and ethics standards, with wide variation in practices among drugs and their sponsors. Best practices are emerging. 2 of our 10 reviewed companies disclosed all trials and complied with legal disclosure requirements for their 2012 approved drugs. Ranking new drugs on transparency criteria may improve compliance with legal [FDAAA] and ethics standards and the quality of medical knowledge.
These graphs give an overview – on the left, the number of trials for each drug; – on the right, the percentage of trials for each drug that meet the criteria listed on the abscissa. Like all of this genre of studies, the compliance rates are dismal. For example 20% of these approved drugs had no accessible Phase III trial information [neither reported on nor published in a journal]. But I’ll leave further exploration of that gloom in your hands, and get to my point. The last two sentences of the following section are the main reasons I posted this article:
Transparency by legal standards

There are at least three reasons why compliance with current disclosure laws might be suboptimal. First, legal requirements are perceived to be unclear or ambiguous, as a spectrum of interpretations of FDAAA has emerged…

Second, mergers, acquisitions, collaborations and licensing agreements may complicate compliance. Two companies in our sample acquired or licensed drugs initially developed by smaller companies, and another used a partner company for some trials, raising questions about whose responsibility it was to ensure trials complied with FDAAA.

Finally, compliance may be affected by a perceived lack of enforcement. FDAAA empowers the FDA to impose a $10,000 a day penalty for non-compliance. To date, this penalty has never been imposed.
Let me repeat those lines for emphasis: "FDAAA empowers the FDA to impose a $10,000 a day penalty for non-compliance. To date, this penalty has never been imposed." And while I’m at it, let me nominate suboptimal compliance and perceived lack of enforcement for understatements of the year. Like almost everything we’ve learned about these industry funded clinical trials, it’s an elaborate system that creates massive amounts of data, but it just doesn’t work. Since its inception in 1962, there have been many reforms – new procedures, new rules for reporting, etc. But they seem to only add more layers of bureaucracy and make little impact because there’s no real oversight or enforcement.  This group envisions repeating their analyses in an ongoing yearly surveillance effort and apparently has the funding support to do it:
Motivating transparency

Given the wide variation in compliance with both legal and ethical standards across drugs and companies, we propose continuing our clinical trials transparency monitoring, evaluations and scoring of new drugs approved by the FDA, along with their sponsors. These ongoing rankings— developed initially with support from Harvard University, Duke University, Susan G. Komen Foundation and the Raskob Foundation [for a full list of sponsors, see the Acknowledgements section] — will be conducted annually under the auspicious of Bioethics International, with grant support from the Laura and John Arnold Foundation.

This system will help identify best practices, incent better behaviours and standardise the industry’s practices and thereby contribute importantly to an enrichment of medical knowledge. Moreover, the scorecard and rankings have the potential to benefit consumers of clinical trial information by helping to assure them of the integrity and completeness of their data. Not least, full transparency of clinical trials would also strengthen the protection of human research participants by avoiding their unknowing recruitment into already failed experiments.
We’re about to have a new head of the FDA [likely Dr. Robert Califf]. While there’s an growing cadre of people focusing on Data Transparency, particularly with the industry funded trials, without the FDA’s full cooperation, it might be a hopeless endeavor. One would think that it’s the FDA Director’s job make this system function as intended, and we need to hold him to the task. The liberal imposition of some of these already approved fines would be a really great place to start…

Mickey @ 7:21 PM

doctor power…

Posted on Thursday 19 November 2015

I have rarely been so surprised as I was last night when I read the AMA Press Release about Direct-To-Consumer [DTC] advertisements on television [reprinted here in pinch me!…]. I remember when they started back in the late 1990s. One day, a patient said, "Do you think I-forget-which-drug is right for me?" And I remember thinking it was an odd thing to say. A couple of nights later, I saw my first DTC television ad, and on the spot developed a very annoying habit – talking to the television set. I’m sure my family members begin to cringe when one of those ads came on, because I apparently am constitutionally unable not to talk back to the voice-over, particularly when the ad is about a psychiatric medication, but also in general. I do things like accuse the pretty ophthalmologist in the Restasis® ads of wearing tinted contact lenses, indict the lady in the blue slip in the Cialis® ads of being a porn star, and add my two cents to the mumbled side effects towards the end of the ads. In the rest of my life, I don’t talk to media and am generally an uncritical and accepting person.

I won’t list all the reasons that these ads make me so angry, but I do want to mention one that has been added since I moved to a rural area. I’ve always been someone who prescribes generic drugs if possible – not just because of cost, but because they’ve been around long enough to pass the test of time. There’s nothing in medicine that says newer is better. But working in the charity clinic, the patients see those ads and think that the generics we provide are "less than." In truth, in those instances where a new drug is genuinely better, we go out of our way to procure it through scholarships or our general medical fund. They’ve never not gotten such a drug when I’ve asked for it. But that’s not the point.

But my surprise was that the AMA voted to oppose these ads. That says something positive about our medical community that was unexpected. Who knows? Maybe next on the agenda will be a move to stop ordering un-necessary scans and lab tests? to actively oppose the gajillion fee-churning maneuvers that happen in our emergency rooms and hospitals [including inappropriate screening]. And how about those faux-televisions in the waiting rooms with their infinitely looping infomercials for diabetic supplies and vitamins? Doctor-Power. I like it!
Mickey @ 1:55 PM


Posted on Thursday 19 November 2015

The author of the blog Psych Practice and I are psychoanalysts who have lived through the massive changes in psychiatry [and psychoanalysis] in the span of our times. By any measure, Psych Practice is a good blog to follow, but I found this post particularly well framed – Lieberman Speaks. It’s about a panel held at the William Alanson White Institute about the book, Shrinks: The Untold Story of Psychiatry, with author Jeffrey Lieberman on the panel. Psych Practice has had several other posts about the book – Analytic Evidence, "Shrinks" Review-Introduction, Shrinks: The Untold Story of Jeffrey Lieberman’s Oedipal Victory Over Papa Freud – and adds this earlier quote to this post:
Lieberman, [or maybe it’s Ogas] writes with particular vehemence about the period when most psychiatrists did analytic training. It made me wonder if he was rejected from a training program at one point, or if he was in an analysis that he quit because he found it intolerable. I have absolutely no basis for these thoughts- they’re just conjecture.
I can’t imagine that there’s a psychoanalyst alive who hasn’t had a similar thought. For that matter, I expect many non-psychoanalysts had some version of that thought too. It’s hard to even skim through this book and take it at face value without wondering what’s behind its writing, even if you agree with Lieberman’s version of history.

Speculating about the self-serving motives of others isn’t all that hard. We almost all do it – particularly when we disagree with what the other person is saying. In the process, we are discounting what’s being said, sometimes for valid reasons, sometimes colored by self-serving motives of our own. Speculating with therapeutic intent is a different enterprise. The speculation itself is only of value if it’s confirmed by some positive change in attitude, understanding, or behavior. Many psychoanalysts of yore died on the vine by treating their speculations as having an intrinsic value outside of that context.

And since I’m absolutely sure I have no therapeutic intent when it comes to Jeffrey Lieberman, I’ll skip to the end of Psych Practice’s report – the question and answer period:
… Then it was my turn, and I was the last questioner, which suited me fine because the room had cleared out a lot by then. I’m a pretty comfortable public speaker, so I was surprised to note how much my voice was shaking, until I realized it was rage, not stage-fright.

I told him I had read his book, that there’s a lot more evidence for PSA than he’s allowing for, and I paraphrased the passage where he states that if Willem Reich’s patient were alive today, she would be diagnosed with an anxiety disorder and treated with an SRI and CBT, which made it sound easy. I pointed out that he was concerned about gaining credibility by fessing up to psychiatry’s history, but the fessing up was selective, and that nowhere does he mention the difficulties with treatment, including things like metabolic effects of antipsychotics, or Paxil Study 329, and how does he mean to engender trust in the public by omitting those kinds of facts?

I know I was far less eloquent in my phrasing, and what I just wrote is not so great to begin with. I think he cut me off towards the end, because I never said anything about the severe limits of what we actually know about mental illness. He rolled his eyes and said, "Medications have side effects. Am I supposed to list every side effect in the book?" I have the impression he was still yelling something, but I could be wrong…
This panel was in part a failed attempt to inform Dr. Lieberman of what psychoanalysis has become in his absence – a vibrant enterprise separated from psychiatry now primarily teaching psychodynamic psychotherapy to an eager audience [from all academic disciplines including psychiatry]. It is becoming what it should’ve been well before 1980, where many of us tried to move it even back then. But that’s another history for another time and perhaps another author.

The book Shrinks is billed on as "The fascinating story of psychiatry’s origins, demise, and redemption, by the former President of the American Psychiatric Association." The story-line of psychoanalysis capturing psychiatry, and its liberation with the coming of the DSM-III, medicalization, the newer psychotropic drugs, and the advances in neuro-matters has been with us for three plus decades, delivered by Dr. Lieberman with an unusually heavy dose of contempt. But it’s his response, or perhaps his non-response, to the question at the end of Psych Practice’s comment that deserves attention: "… and that nowhere does he mention the difficulties with treatment, including things like metabolic effects of antipsychotics, or Paxil Study 329, and how does he mean to engender trust in the public by omitting those kinds of facts?"

It’s the redemption part of Dr. Lieberman’s playbill that doesn’t pass muster. And his eye-rolling sarcastic "Medications have side effects. Am I supposed to list every side effect in the book?" doesn’t address the question asked. What about the academic·pharmaceutical complex with its guest authors, ghost authors, conflicts of interest, speaker’s bureaus, commercially oriented CME, and its jury-rigged or invisible clinical trials? How about the minimized adverse effects of the drugs – the metabolic syndrome, akathisia with violence, the withdrawal symptoms, tardive dyskinesia, addiction, etc? And then there’s the part of the question Psych Practice didn’t get to ask, "…he cut me off towards the end, because I never said anything about the severe limits of what we actually know about mental illness." Dr. Lieberman’s and his colleagues’ over-simplification of the complex human experiences we call mental illness imply an unsupportable level of mastery. So this is hardly a period of redemption – by any stretch.

In science, paradigm shifts occur when a dominant paradigm become more known by its exceptions than its explanatory powers. When some new conceptual model comes along, the former paradigm doesn’t disappear but rather endures by becoming refined and more limited – "right-sized." Meanwhile, the new model begins its expandsive, then contracting journey on the same predictable arc. Dr. Lieberman’s Shrinks is written more on the template of Sodom and Gomorrah followed by the New Jerusalem, or perhaps Armageddon leading to the Rapture. His inability [or unwillingness?] to address the dark side and limitations of his particular brand of psychiatry jumps from the pages of his writings and presentations in spite of his attempts to shout it down.
Mickey @ 10:59 AM

pinch me!…

Posted on Wednesday 18 November 2015

Nov. 17, 2015
For immediate release:

ATLANTA –Responding to the billions of advertising dollars being spent to promote prescription products, physicians at the Interim Meeting of the American Medical Association (AMA) today adopted new policy aimed at driving solutions to make prescription drugs more affordable.

Physicians cited concerns that a growing proliferation of ads is driving demand for expensive treatments despite the clinical effectiveness of less costly alternatives.

“Today’s vote in support of an advertising ban reflects concerns among physicians about the negative impact of commercially-driven promotions, and the role that marketing costs play in fueling escalating drug prices,” said AMA Board Chair-elect Patrice A. Harris, M.D., M.A. “Direct-to-consumer advertising also inflates demand for new and more expensive drugs, even when these drugs may not be appropriate.”

The United States and New Zealand are the only two countries in the world that allow direct-to-consumer advertising of prescription drugs. Advertising dollars spent by drug makers have increased by 30 percent in the last two years to $4.5 billion, according to the market research firm Kantar Media.

New AMA policy also calls for convening a physician task force and launching an advocacy campaign to promote prescription drug affordability by demanding choice and competition in the pharmaceutical industry, and greater transparency in prescription drug prices and costs.

“Physicians strive to provide the best possible care to their patients, but increases in drug prices can impact the ability of physicians to offer their patients the best drug treatments,” said Dr.  Harris. “Patient care can be compromised and delayed when prescription drugs are unaffordable and subject to coverage limitations by the patient’s health plan. In a worst-case scenario, patients forego necessary treatments when drugs are too expensive.”

New AMA policy responds to deepened concerns that anticompetitive behavior in a consolidated pharmaceutical marketplace has the potential to increase drug prices. The AMA will encourage actions by federal regulators to limit anticompetitive behavior by pharmaceutical companies attempting to reduce competition from generic manufacturers through manipulation of patent protections and abuse of regulatory exclusivity incentives.

The AMA will also monitor pharmaceutical company mergers and acquisitions, as well as the impact of such actions on drug prices. Patent reform is a key area for encouraging greater market-based competition and new AMA policy will support an appropriate balance between incentives for innovation on the one hand and efforts to reduce regulatory and statutory barriers to competition as part of the patent system.

Last month, the Kaiser Family Foundation released a reportExternal Link saying that a high cost of prescription drugs remains the public’s top health care priority. In the past few years, prices on generic and brand-name prescription drugs have steadily risen and experienced a 4.7 percent spike in 2015, according to the Altarum Institute Center for Sustainable Health Spending.

The AMA’s new policy recognizes that the promotion of transparency in prescription drug pricing and costs will help patients, physicians and other stakeholders understand how drug manufacturers set prices. If there is greater understanding of the factors that contribute to prescription drug pricing, including the research, development, manufacturing, marketing and advertising costs borne by pharmaceutical companies, then the marketplace can react appropriately.
Mickey @ 10:34 PM

will the office make the man?…

Posted on Tuesday 17 November 2015

By Ed Silverman
November 16, 2015

As a US Senate committee meets on Tuesday to consider Dr. Robert Califf for the top job at the Food and Drug Administration, an open question remains whether he is biased toward industry. Califf is held in high regard by drug makers and academics alike. A cardiologist by training, he spent years as a professor at the Duke University School of Medicine and is one of the most influential biomedical authors in the world. He’s also run numerous clinical trials and served on various FDA advisory committees. But ever since Califf was named a deputy commissioner at the FDA in January and then nominated to be chief regulator in September, his long-standing working relationship with the pharmaceutical industry has prompted debate. Among those opposing his nomination are Democratic presidential aspirant Bernie Sanders and Public Citizen, a consumer advocacy group.

Califf was the founding director of the Duke Clinical Research Institute, which conducts studies for companies. Last year, six drug makers — including Merck and Novartis — partly supported his salary, and several others paid him for consulting work. He has also authored numerous papers with industry researchers. No other commissioner in the recent past has held such close ties to pharmaceutical manufacturers. [The last commissioner, Margaret Hamburg, for example, was a career public health administrator.] All this has led some to challenge whether Califf can be an honest broker. “I do think hard questions should be asked,” said Daniel Carpenter, a Harvard University political scientist, who has studied the FDA but has not taken a position on Califf. “He will have a fair amount of power to push for change”
Ed continues with a good summary of Dr. Califf’s assets and debits if you’re not already familiar with them. See also:
Boston Globe
By Sheila Kaplan
November 17, 2015
Unfortunately, this kind of information only raises questions, but doesn’t answer them. And that’s likely to be true of the hearings. Of course he will answer the congressional queries and say the right things. And he’s obviously accomplished as a scientist and as an administrator, so I would be very surprised if he’s not confirmed. I just searched this blog for Califf looking to review what I said earlier, and it popped up an unexpected link from two years ago – before my more recent comments [at least it’s movement…]. Dr. Califf was the senior author on a non-inferiority study between the new anticoagulant [blood-thinner], Xarelto®, and the old stand-by, Warfarin. I was writing about it for other reasons. But on a lark, I looked at the acknowledgements in the paper:
Supported  by  Johnson  &  Johnson  Pharmaceutical  Research and Development and Bayer HealthCare…

Dr. Califf, receiving consulting fees from Kowa, Nile, Orexigen, Sanofi Aventis, Novartis, and Xoma and grant support from Novartis, Merck, and Amilyn/Lilly and having an equity interest in Nitrox…
No kickback from Johnson & Johnson or Bayer? Well that’s kind of encouraging, though every other author was tainted by a Johnson & Johnson or Bayer connection, some being employees. But it got me thinking about some things. Xarelto® isn’t better than Warfarin, it’s just more convenient [by the way, Xarelto® costs a mint]. You don’t have to get frequent blood tests [a nuisance]. But if you’re in a car wreck and bleeding to death, Vitamin K will reverse the effect of Warfarin. There’s no antidote for Xarelto®. So predictably, the suits are beginning to appear about deaths from fatal bleeding in car crashes with Xarelto®. Looking at that paper, a 2+ year comparison of bleeding events in a large cohort, Xarelto® actually came out a little better than Warfarin. And there were fatal bleeding events with both. So Dr. Califf was a participant in an industry-funded Clinical Trial obviously aimed at selling a profitable new drug. As best I could tell, the trial was properly conducted with straightforward conclusions. I believed the study.

I would prefer that Dr. Califf were as clean as a whistle and had no financial connections with any pharmaceutical company. And I would be much happier if he didn’t bother messing with drugs of convenience. Even reading his paper, I wouldn’t take or recommend Xarelto®. My focus would be on being either being the patient or the doctor in the situation when there was a bad car wreck, and I’d say to hell with convenience if I could save a life with a Vitamin shot instead of watching someone bleed to death, I don’t mind insisting on the countless routine blood tests it took to keep that possibility open. But that’s my clinical decision, that would be made in concert with my patient when we’re both playing with a fully informed deck of cards – including this study. I said that to my friend [which was the whole point of my even looking at the paper], and he chose Xarelto® anyway. That’s what his doctor recommended, and that’s what he did [by getting a needed scholarship from J&J]. Their choice. But my friend was fully informed, so I did my job. And in so far as I could tell, so did Dr. Califf [I hope. See this article by the POGO Editor in Chief: Drug Problems: Nominee to Head FDA Led Clinical Trial FDA Faulted].

Looking at other things I’ve written about Dr. Califf, the one real negative was guilt by association [predictable repetitions]. It was an editorial in the New England Journal of Medicine, Revisiting the Commercial–Academic Interface, by Dr. Jeffrey Drazen supporting Dr. Califf for FDA head  [see also a contrarian frame of mind…, wtf?…, wtf? for real…, a narrative…, not so proud…]. In the first place, since when is the editorship of the NEJM a position from which to weigh in on such matters? And Dr. Drazen’s recent showing with his editorial and series on industry-tainted authors writing review articles was an outrageous rationalization, worthy of considering a change in his employment. He’s the paradigm of an industry-friendly guy who assured us fifteen years ago that his PHARMA-connections were behind him and it was… well, it just wasn’t true [sleeper cell comes to mind]. I have no idea how he and Dr. Califf are connected, but I don’t have a bit of question about Dr. Drazen’s Conflicts of Interest. So I see that endorsement from Dr. Drazen as a major black-mark on Dr. Califf’s resume.

But when it’s all said and done, I don’t really think that the FDA is a major problem except in two areas. I don’t like the fact that the boss over-rode the opinion of the evaluator on drugs like Zoloft or Latuda, but those aren’t my main beefs. They are that the FDA continues to honor industry’s claim that Clinical Trial data and the submitted Clinical Study Reports or Individualized Participant Data are proprietary – keeping secrets for industry – and have made none of the moves towards data transparency like those occurring in the European Medicines Agency. My second complaint is that the trials known as Phase IV [post-marketing] Trials which should be rigorous and ongoing are essentially worthless. They’re done by PHARMA, and rarely mentioned. In reading about a drug, even late in its patent-life, we still mostly hear about those PHASE III Clinical Trials done to get the various approvals. We need to know how the drugs perform [or don’t perform] once they’re out there, and we don’t know – at least in any formal way. The whole Contract Research Organization industry was built to get drugs approved. Once approved, they’re in the hands of the marketeers and then later the Civil and Federal Courts. The latter may be getting better at punishment, but that’s hardly the point.

What matters is what happens once the drug is in general use. I can "vet" products I order on-line from not long after they appear [ is the major store for those of us who line in the woods], but even as a doctor, I can’t do that with drugs until they’re almost out of patent except by word of mouth or trial and error. Dr. Healy’s giving it a really serious try with RxISK, but he’s going to need a lot of help. The FDA has a reporting system but it’s woefully lackluster.

The FDA isn’t mandated to do anything but certify safety and minimal efficacy. The agency has no control over drug pricing, and really isn’t set up to survey advertising in a comprehensive way.  It just picks up on big lies, not spin. So the questions that matter in today’s hearings are about Data Transparency and post-marketing Trials. I doubt they’ll be asked, but I sure hope they are. And when it comes down to it, the real question is whether Dr. Califf is a person of integrity who will make the right hard decisions when the issues that really matter come across his desk [two of my favorite unlikely heros, James Comey and Earl Warren, come to mind]? Or will he follow Dr. Drazen’s sleeper cell mentality? Will the Office make the man? I don’t know how one knows something like that in advance…

post-hearing update:
Boston Globe
Sheila Kaplan
November 17, 2015
Regulatory Affairs
By Zachary Brennan
17 November 2015
Washington Post
By Brady Dennis
November 17, 2015
Mickey @ 12:32 PM


Posted on Sunday 15 November 2015

hat tip to the universe…        
Mickey @ 6:48 PM

ombudsman envy…

Posted on Sunday 15 November 2015

When it’s all said and done, I’m not impressed that our kvetching about the state of affairs with clinical trials, regulatory approval, pharmaceutical marketing, and the corruption and glitches along these processes will be particularly effective in the long run. We now know the problems, and we know they are sustained by a powerful set of forces. Furthermore, we know the solution [or at least an important part of the solution] – Data Transparency – and for that, we need structural reform. If the trial data is available, we can bypass all the spin and sin and see for ourselves [of course that depends on some "we" who is willing to do the surveillance and re-analysis]. So for a number of reasons, that has focused my attention on the goings-on in the European Union:

  • The European Medicines Agency [EMA] has embraced the concept of Data Transparency [a no-brainer] and is working out its policy.
  • The EMA is centralized, seems more transparent, more distant from the "powerful set of forces" and is more accessible than our FDA.
  • The same drugs are independently evaluated by the EMA and FDA, so transparency in one becomes transparency for both.
  • And then, there’s the European Ombudsman.
British Medical Journal
by Tom Jefferson
13 Nov, 2015

The institution of the European Ombudsman celebrated its first 20 years of activity with a party for staff and all those who have and still are contributing to its work. The shindig was held in the European Parliament. In the words of the current Ombudsman, Emily O’Reilly, the Ombudsman’s function “was born out of the debate on the emerging European citizenship in the early 1990s, and its purpose precisely is to enable those European citizens to hold the ever more powerful EU institutions to account, as the direct effect of what they do impacts more and more on the daily lives of the people. It acts in a complementary way to the courts and to the parliament, as a check on EU institutional power.

In the current climate, O’Reilly’s words may seem like a wish rather than reality. Except that the office’s record in the matter of access to secret clinical data is exemplary. It is to the Ombudsman that the Nordic Cochrane Centre referred in its attempt to access clinical study reports from the European Regulator, the European Medicines Agency [EMA], and it was the Ombudsman who sided with Peter Gotzche and colleagues. This led to the recognition that data relating to clinical trials cannot be considered confidential, as it is a public good.

I have chronicled the evolution of the EMA’s policy and its forthcoming release of large quantities of reports. Reports have also been released since the Ombudsman’s ruling in 2010. The visibility of such documents has finally lead to the realisation that clinical trials published in journals may not be trusted because they do not provide sufficient information and detail to understand the strengths and weaknesses of a trial…
If you’ve tried to deal with the FDA or the ORI or our other agencies, I hope you have better luck than I have. Responses are sluggish and rarely lead one anywhere. On the other hand, the European Ombudsman’s office responds quickly and is quite a contrast to the tired bureaucracy of our equivalent agencies [give me a young government every time]. And as the links above document, they’re on a roll with Data Transparency. Here‘s my crude timeline. In my humble opinion, if we are to get somewhere with Data Transparency, it will be coming from the EMA. Hopefully, they’ll pull us along. Nothing but Kudus for the European Ombudsman! [and her supporters] from the 1boringoldman campus]…
Mickey @ 12:57 PM

a simple truth…

Posted on Saturday 14 November 2015

In psychiatry, we’re rarely afforded the definitive data enjoyed in a lot of science. It’s just the way things are. But that doesn’t mean we can’t be glad when some definitive graphs come along – particularly when they support clinical experience. The data in this 2004 paper is an example. I received this link from multiple directions when I wrote about the recent article claiming increased efficacy with increasing dose [an inconvenient truth…]. The graphs are of 5-HTT transporter occupancy at varying doses of five different SSRI/SNRIs [the minimal effective dose marked with the dotted vertical lines]:
by Jeffrey H. Meyer, Alan A. Wilson, Sandra Sagrati, Doug Hussey, Anna Carella, William Z. Potter, Nathalie Ginovart, Edgar P. Spencer, Andy Cheok, and Sylvain Houle
American Journal of Psychiatry 2004 161:826–835.

Objective: Minimum therapeutic doses of paroxetine and citalopram produce 80% occupancy for the serotonin [5-HT] transporter [5-HTT]. The authors used [11 C] DASB positron emission tomography to measure occupancies of three other selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors [SSRIs] at minimum therapeutic doses. The relationship between dose and occupancy was also investigated.
Method: Striatal 5-HTT binding potential was measured in 77 subjects before and after 4 weeks of medication administration. Binding potential is proportional to the density of receptors not blocked by medication. Subjects received citalopram, fluoxetine, sertraline, paroxetine, or extended-release venlafaxine. Healthy subjects received subtherapeutic doses; subjects with mood and anxiety disorders received therapeutic doses. Percent reduction in 5-HTT binding potential for each medication and dose was calculated. To obtain test-retest data, binding potential was measured before and after 4 weeks in six additional healthy subjects.
Results: Substantial occupancy occurred at subtherapeutic doses for all SSRIs. Compared to test-retest data, each drug at the minimum therapeutic dose had a significant effect on striatal 5-HTT binding potential. Mean occupancy at this dose was 76%–85%. At higher plasma SSRI concentrations, 5-HTT occupancy tended to in- crease above 80%. For each drug, as the dose [or plasma level] increased, occupancy increased nonlinearly, with a plateau for higher doses.
Conclusions: At tolerable doses, SSRIs have increasing occupancy with increasing plasma concentration or dose. Occupancy of 80% across five SSRIs occurs at minimum therapeutic doses. This suggests that 80% 5-HTT blockade is important for therapeutic effect. Occupancy should be measured during development of antidepressant compounds targeting the 5-HTT.

hat tip to alto et al… 
In spite of 25 years of dreams and schemes, if these drugs don’t help on the first shot, they’re unlikely to do much better with prestidigitation. Because of the escalating side effects with increased dose, these drugs, like many in clinical medicine, have a therapeutic window. I’m awed with the number of patient dosed well beyond the window. Getting them to come down slowly is often a major undertaking, though there’s rarely a complaint once on a more rational dose. More doesn’t seem to be better, at least in my hands…
Mickey @ 9:55 PM

Posted on Saturday 14 November 2015

Later: At the end of a three year Air Force assignment to the USAFE hospital in Lakenheath England, it was about time to come home to our real lives. For our last trip to the Continent, we decided on camping through France. I had several weeks of leave and though we’d been to France often, we hadn’t ‘toured.’ So we loaded our diminutive Morris Minor with camping gear and took the Ferry to Calais. It couldn’t have been a more perfect trip. Somewhere in the middle we awoke in our tent and simultaneously noticed that our teeth were slightly purple [so we changed to white wine]. The trip back to Paris from the South was our only autorouteMorris Minor leg [superhighway], and our top-speed-low-sixty-miles-per-hour Morrris was definitely out classed, but we made it to the outskirts of Paris at midnight. The next morning, we decided that a ride down the Champs-Élysées would be  a nice way to end our European adventures before getting on the Ferry, and soon onto the plane home.

Totally by chance, without our even really noticing, we were the last car allowed onto the boulevard that day. It was inauguration day for Giscard d’Estaing who had defeated François Mitterrand. Neither of us spoke anything more than "menu" French, so after two weeks of wandering, we were news-dumb and had no clue we were crashing a presidential parade. The streets were lined with spectators who were as amused as we were with our toy British car as a one-car parade. They waved their flags, laughed, and clapped as did we – basking in our short-lived fame. It was, indeed, one fine Swan Song.

I’m telling my little story because I don’t know what else to do to say I love France the country, France the culture, and France the people – even the Parisians [though I’m not sure that was mutual]. I wasn’t even mad when France passed on our invitation to Iraq. Afghanistan seemed right but Iraq didn’t, so I agreed. I hate it that they’re about to have to go through what we experienced after 911. There’s no other choice now, but there’s really no point…
Mickey @ 6:53 AM

an inconvenient truth…

Posted on Friday 13 November 2015

While I was writing this earlier post [it just is what it is…] about a man who had had his Paxil dose inappropriately raised in response to withdrawal symptoms, I wondered why I was even writing it. Was I patting myself on the back for having developed a high level of suspicion about withdrawal symptoms? or about looking into over-medication? I thought about that recent book, "Mistakes were made, but not by me" that I recently ordered. Was I pointing out the mistakes of others but not looking in the mirror at my own? But later, a few more sensible things occurred to  me. For one, I had seen the article below in the advanced publications in the AJP before going to work, and I wondered what it was going to conclude. My eyes had landed on some particular phrasings [in red]…
by Ewgeni Jakubovski, M.A., Anjali L. Varigonda, M.D., Nicholas Freemantle, Ph.D., Matthew J. Taylor, Ph.D., Michael H. Bloch, M.D., M.S.
American Journal of Psychiatry. Published online: November 10, 2015.

Objective: Previous studies suggested that the treatment response to selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors [SSRIs] in major depressive disorder follows a flat response curve within the therapeutic dose range. The present study was designed to clarify the relationship between dosage and treatment response in major depressive disorder.
Method: The authors searched PubMed for randomized placebo-controlled trials examining the efficacy of SSRIs for treating adults with major depressive disorder. Trials were also required to assess improvement in depression severity at multiple time points. Additional data were collected on treatment response and all-cause and side effect-related discontinuation. All medication doses were transformed into imipramine-equivalent doses. The longitudinal data were analyzed with a mixed-regression model. Endpoint and tolerability analyses were analyzed using meta-regression and stratified subgroup analysis by predefined SSRI dose categories in order to assess the effect of SSRI dosing on the efficacy and tolerability of SSRIs for major depressive disorder.
Results: Forty studies involving 10,039 participants were included. Longitudinal modeling [dose-by-time interaction=0.0007, 95% CI=0.0001–0.0013] and endpoint analysis [meta-regression: β=0.00053, 95% CI=0.00018–0.00088, z=2.98] demonstrated a small but statistically significant positive association between SSRI dose and efficacy. Higher doses of SSRIs were associated with an increased likelihood of dropouts due to side effects [meta-regression: β=0.00207, 95% CI=0.00071–0.00342, z=2.98] and decreased likelihood of all-cause dropout [meta-regression: β=–0.00093, 95% CI=–0.00165 to −0.00021, z=−2.54].
Conclusions: Higher doses of SSRIs appear slightly more effective in major depressive disorder. This benefit appears to plateau at around 250 mg of imipramine equivalents [50 mg of fluoxetine] The slightly increased benefits of SSRIs at higher doses are somewhat offset by decreased tolerability at high doses.
[I make no apology for being somewhat skeptical maybe even slightly paranoid when I read our literature. The recent track record of psychiatric Clinical Trials and Meta-analyses more that justifies that stance imho…]

This study uses some fancy statistical manipulation to conclude that higher doses of antidepressants might be a little more likely to be effective in treating depression. The psychiatric literature is filled with articles about schemes to get more mileage out of the antidepressant treatment. There was the pharmaceutical pipeline that regularly released a new molecule every couple of years. There were several different classes of drugs [TCAs, MAOIs, SSRIs, SNRIs, Buproprion]. We studied sequencing [STAR*D, TMAP], combining [CO-MED], and augmenting [thyroxin, Atypical Antipsychotics]. Here we have the suggestion to try a higher dose. The group a UT Southwestern [Rush, Trivedi] insisted that if we pushed the doses and treated to remission, we would up our odds back when they designed STAR*D, and Dr. Rush is still talking about it [Isn’t It About Time to Employ Measurement-Based Care in Practice? AJP October 2015]. So far, the notion that genetic testing would refine our prescribing remains just that – a notion. Along the way, we’ve had Vagus Nerve, Transcranial Magnetic, and Deep Brain Stimulators. One would think that with such a heavily studied toolkit literally dominating twenty-five years of our journal literature, offering so many combinations and permutations, we would’ve arrived in the promised land. The inconvenient truth is that we haven’t – we haven’t even come close.

Skeptics like me would say it’s because most depression arises in response to psychological, biographical, and social forces that don’t fit the current DSM model of Major Depressive Disorder – that instead of Treatment-Resistant-Depression, we’d be best advised to turn our attention back to Non-Biomedical-Responsive-Depression with a bigger toolkit than simply Cognitive Behavior Therapy – a direction strongly opposed by the Managed Care/Collaborative Care/Integrative Care models. But even Biomedical Devotees like Dr. Insel aren’t satisfied with the current state of play and he has prattled on endlessly about his disappointment with our lack of progress.

Another facet of this inconvenient truth is that the therapeutic zeal accompanying the attempts to expand the effectiveness of the medications has fueled an epidemic of iatragenic illness [illnesses caused by treatment] – overmedication, adverse effects, dysinhibition, violence, withdrawal syndromes, etc. Which brings me back to my starting place. After I saw that abstract suggesting higher antidepressant doses before I headed off to the clinic, I recall thinking about how much time I spend dealing with patients who have iatragenic illnesses from their medications or who show up seeking a change in their medications. I mentioned a mega-overmedicated case recently [blitzed…, some truths are self-evident…] and this man I saw later in the day [it just is what it is…], but that’s just the tip of an iceberg of how many such cases I see. We’re beginning to see Obamacare and Medicaid patients now in the clinic, and I think the local doctors and contract mental health center are beginning to send those cases my way [for me to try to get straightened out]. That obviously can’t go on forever, even at the moment it’s barely manageable. But the point is, the inconvenient truth for me is that I appear to be developing a sub-specialty I would never have imagined – medication untangler.

Now I remember that on the drive home, I was thinking of my training director days, and fantacizing that I would now add a seminar on iatragenic illness as a way of teaching about how to recognize and manage the situations I’m talking about here [and also as a way of teaching what not to do and how to keep therapeutic zeal in check]. We could alternate readings and cases, and I’d bet it would be both popular and helpful. Hopefully, there will come a day soon when we won’t need medication untangler specialists. And maybe there will come a time when one can again simply say:
    "Let’s take another look at your story. Maybe there’s something going on in you or your life that needs much more attention, something contributing to your depression that medication can’t possibly change."
Mickey @ 11:45 AM