
Archive for February, 2006

the point…

As tempting as it is to join in the endless pointing out that the Vice President just shot a friend in the face with a shotgun, there’s an equally compelling drive to stick to the point. Which point? The only real point is that the Bush Administration, without really telling us, is dead set on […]

‘confidence’ man…

I couldn’t watch Cheney. I tried, but I couldn’t do it. It’s not like my inability to watch Bush. With George, I feel ashamed that such a dufus is representing my country, and his sneer and irritated condescending enrages me. With Cheney, it’s something else. Although we’re almost exactly the same age, his demeanor makes […]

a trick…

There’s a trick involved in"Liberal" or "Democrat." I guess I’m both. Most people who read this are probably both. But there’s still a trick involved. The way those terms are flung around these days, they imply some kind of unity of thought, some kind of unified program that’s being supported, some kind of unified vision […]

McClellan’s Bushisms…

Everyone is ticked about McClellan’s withholding information. I guess I’m used to that. This kind of thing is what gets to me: But by the time of Mr. McClellan’s noon briefing, when the press secretary was aware of Mr. Whittington’s downturn but did not disclose it to reporters, his tone was serious, even as he […]

N.S.A. Story: Gold Medals…

The first time I heard the term scandal fatigue, I thought it was a cute but melodramatic term. But now, I see how real it is. So many balls in the air: Plame, N.S.A., Quailgate, Comstock, etc. But there’s a piece from today that can’t be ignored. N.S.A. whistleblower Russell Tice is mad, real mad. […]

you can’t ‘unhappen’ things…

( life )

I’m no fan of Dick Cheney. That is for sure. And the way he’s behaving is par for the course – the kind of thing that gives male human beings a bad rep. But I feel sorry for him. You do something that’s an obvious big time screw up, and it can’t be undone – […]

Whoa! Whittington has had a heart attack from a pellet…

  Someone had to do it. This is the path of the Sun in Armstrong Texas on February 11, 2006  until sunset at about 6:15 PM. The red hued Sun at 5:30 PM is where it was at the time of the shooting. If he were looking East, the setting Sun would have been in […]

close? but no cigar…

  Armstrong Texas Washington D.C. shot 5:30 PM 6:30 PM sunset 6:15 PM 7:15 PM Card call 6:30 PM 7:30 PM Rove call 7:00 PM 8:00 PM hospital 8:15 PM 9:15 PM   One blog post was tempting, questioning why it took from 5:30 PM until 8:15 PM to get to the hospital, 85 miles […]


    "Chief of Staff Andy Card called the president around 7:30 p.m. to inform him that there was a hunting accident," a statement released today by the White House said. "He did not know the vice president was involved at that time. Subsequent to the call, Deputy Chief of Staff Karl Rove spoke with […]

more Comstock…

Recently, the duo at Firedoglake got onto Libby’s Defense Fund director, Barbara Comstock. Emptywheel at the Next Hurrah has a follow up post, Why Did Comstock Blackball Eric Lichtblau? that looks into her tenure as Ashcroft’s spokesperson at the DoJ. All of that leads to a pdf from Watching Justice entitled OPEN GOVERNMENT IN THE […]