Treasongate: Redux

Posted on Saturday 20 May 2006

I abandoned my attempts to summarize the left coaster‘s painstaking dissection of the Administration’s misbehavior in the lead-up to the Iraq War. It was just to painful to read. But he now has another series going that may be the most important one of all. I’ll skip the details [they’re there for anyone to read on]. This series is about the Administration’s subtle change in terminology as their drum beating for war reached a crescendo. The Niger Forgeries alledged that Iraq bought Yellowcake Uranium from Niger. In previous series, Eriposte has made it infinitely clear that our government and the British government should have known this was false information from the start. In later series, he presents compelling arguments that we did know it was false before we went to war. In this series he carefully takes the prewar discourse apart to show that there was a subtle, simultaneous change in the public discourse from both governments from bought to sought eg Hussein sought Yellowcake Uranium from Niger.

So what? One might say. Here’s why that’s important. It implies that both governments knew that the Niger Documents that said Iraq bought Yellowcake Uranium were forgeries. The change from bought to sought was clearly an attempt to soften the lie they were telling. But the big fact is that there was never evidence that Iraq sought anything. The change in wording was simply a  simultaneously introduced, deliberate misleading C.Y.A. ploy. All of the later claims of faulty intelligence, Intelligence Community screw-ups, etc. are simply more lies to cover their active and conscious deception.

What Joseph Wilson said in the first place is absolutely true.

Did the Bush administration manipulate intelligence about Saddam Hussein’s weapons programs to justify an invasion of Iraq?

Based on my experience with the administration in the months leading up to the war, I have little choice but to conclude that some of the intelligence related to Iraq’s nuclear weapons program was twisted to exaggerate the Iraqi threat.

Joseph Wilson
What I didn’t Find in Africa
New York Times
July 6, 2003

And that is why they ‘outed’ his wife, Valerie Plame. Now we’re sitting around waiting to see if Rove is going to be indicted for lying to Patrick Fitzgerald’s Grand Jury; or if the investigation will dig deeper into the W.H.I.G. or the O.S.P.; or touch Bush and Cheney. But it’s a bit like indicting Al Capone for Tax Evasion – the real crimes are monsterous…

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