
Posted on Wednesday 2 August 2006

I guess everyone‘s vulnerable in this contentious climate. Mel Gibson certainly got a dose of humility this week. And now one of all of our favorites, Jane Hamsher, needs to eat some crow – Jim Crow, that is. The retouch of Clinton and Lieberman [in blackface] bombed on her Huffington Post blog like the Titanic. Of course, Michelle Malkin was in the wings with a Ken Starr vengence in her heart. Political Correctness, though often joked about, is about all we got left of the Civil Rights Movement. So, like the song says, "Hold on, Hold on to what you got!"

So, Jane, apologize, don’t be defensive, and back off for a bit. Your zeal has been absolutely electrifying. Let some others carry the load for a while.

There’s a reason that doctors have a Hippocratic Oath, "Do no harm." Sometimes well intentioned zeal [therapeutic zeal] is fatal…

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