Mel’s more fun…

Posted on Tuesday 1 August 2006

Speculating about the internal workings of Mel Gibson is more fun than thinking about the Middle East. It looks as though Israel has declared a full scale war on Hezbollah, and that the Bush White House is complicit, if not a direct player. I can think of no other reason for the way our dimplomat is acting. We’ll join the call for a cease fire if, and only if, what Israel wants is granted – meanwhile, the Israelis roll on invading Lebanon.

Since we can’t count on the Bush Administration to ever be straight about what they are doing, we have to speculate. What do we now know to aid us in the speculation?

  • We know that the neocons are currently ranting about two things: Condi being too weak and War with Iran.
  • Anything else? Sure. The midterm elections are just around the corner. That gives the Bush Administration two motives for pushing things – to get the Iran business underway while they still control Congress or setting up to play the "patriotic" card again to effect the election.

Would the Bush Administration be capable of such motivations? The answer has to be "yes." In fact such things would be typical of their previous behavior. Were I to guess about these speculations, I would bet on their wish to get a war with Iran going quickly. I would also bet on their trying to find a way to win this coming November. Karl Rove is a master chess strategist, and such a move would be typical. One thing for sure. The Israeli move was no surprise to the Administration. The only real question is what they plan to get by complicity with this war. My guess would be that the plan is for the Israelis to keep going until Iran is provoked and enters the game. Then our joining Israel would be in response to Iran’s aggression. There are more ways to go to war than doctored intelligence.

I hate the way our government has made me think like a paranoid person. But, with these guys, it’s alway right to ask, "What do they have up their sleeves now?" 

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