a twice told tale…

Posted on Tuesday 12 September 2006

The pieces [Keith Obermann’s Countdown and the New York Times Editorial] posted below both made me cry.

This time last year, we were waiting to see if Patrick Fitzgerald was going to indict anyone at all. The MSM [Main Stream Media] was still only vaguely covering the sordid details of our Administration’s incompetence and skull-duggery. The majority of people still connected 911, the War on Terror, and the War in Iraq as about the same thing. The "blogsphere" was a dimly lit aside on the scene. Today, our big bloggers were in New York to meet with President Clinton. The MSM is no longer asleep, and regularly questions the President’s ludicrous speeches, the Vice President’s dour evasions, and Karl Rove’s vicious tactics. Scooter Libby is going to trial. John Bolton is off the Congressional Docket. And there’s a feeling that America is waking up to the nightmare that has engulfed us for five years.

It’s still a nightmare, but at least it’s a public nightmare. People are talking about it – a lot. The Press is covering it – a lot. So I think my tears are a "twice told tale" – tears of joy that we’re at least finally pointing towards the right track, and tears of sadness for the desecration of our once great country and the rest of the world under this Administration. September 11, 2001 was an unthinkable horror, but the last five years has rivalled even that monsterous event.

I’m glad those articles made me tear up. I’ve needed to for a long time… 

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