
Archive for October, 2006

eyes on the prize…

I just watched Eyes on the Prize, that amazing documentary of the Civil Rights Movement. The episodes I watched covered Freedom Summer in Mississippi in 1963 through the Selma to Montgomery March in 1965. So many memories. I’ve thought a lot about those days in this last year or so with the craziness in our […]

they just won’t let up…

Court Told It Lacks Power in Detainee Cases Moving quickly to implement the bill signed by President Bush this week that authorizes military trials of enemy combatants, the administration has formally notified the U.S. District Court here that it no longer has jurisdiction to consider hundreds of habeas corpus petitions filed by inmates at the […]

just watch…

I’m proud of Michael J. Fox for making this ad, He’s right, by the way. Stem Cell Research will provide a treatment, and perhaps cure, for Parkinson’s disease – and many others. It’s just one of the disasters of the theocratic bent in our national political scene. There are others. The “faith based initiative” programs […]

talking points…

"axis of evil" satanic "flip-flop" indecisive "cut and run" cowards "runaway judges" subversives "islamofascists" satanic "stay the course" courageous Talking Points was a new term for me with the coming of the Bush Administration, though I guess it had been around before for a long time. Often, they are short, pithy phrases [like those to […]

will they wake up?

Little Initiative by Amy Sullivan Early Monday morning, a tell-all book from a former Bush White House official hit Washington like a small explosion, generating at least a color orange political threat level. Here was a conservative Republican, someone who had been on the inside of the president’s signature domestic policy agenda of the first […]

Priest tells of Foley relationship From his home on the island of Gozo, near Italy, Anthony Mercieca described a series of encounters that he said Foley might perceive as sexually inappropriate. Among them: massaging Foley while the boy was naked, skinny-dipping together at a secluded lake in Lake Worth and being naked in the same […]

nobody said Foley was dumb…

FBI Yet to Find Evidence of Foley-Page Sexual Contact Throughout the lurid instant messages Foley sent to current and former pages, there are repeated references to waiting until the young men are 18. Teen:   im not 18 till feb 23 Maf54: i know. Maf54: nothing will happen Maf54: just dreaming Maf54: don’t worry Teen:   ya […]

house of cards…

We are under the control of an unlikely alliance of Christian mega church televangelists, pro-israel Jews, military hawks, corporate businessmen, the rich, political Conservatives, old school Republicans, and right wing think tanks with tons of financial support. It’s hard to define precisely what these people actually stand for. If you want to read about it, […]

blowing smoke? or blowing up a gale?

Rove foresees GOP victory White House political strategist Karl Rove yesterday confidently predicted that the Republican Party would hold the House and the Senate in next month’s elections, dismissing fallout from the sex scandal involving former Rep. Mark Foley. … "I’m confident we’re going to keep the Senate; I’m confident we’re going to keep the […]

rationalizations and diversions…

Michael Rogers of blogactive is a gay activist who subscribes to the policy of "outing" gay politicians who are publicly "anti-gay" and is the source for the current report of a closeted homosexual Senator. The logic here is complex. By any right way of thinking, the sexual preference of a government official should be immaterial. […]