high Crimes and Misdemeanors…

Posted on Monday 11 December 2006

The Constitution of the United States: Article. II.Section. 4.
The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.

The word "high" is from English Law and means "against the State." So "Treason" is a crime against the State in the service of our enemies. "high Crimes and Misdemeanors" is a crime against the State for other reasons. Is taking us to a war that cost hundreds of billions of dollars and resulted in the loss of thousands of lives on false pretenses a "high crime?" How much higher does one have to go?

Elizabeth de la Vega concludes her recent book, U.S. v. George W. Bush et al., with the following:

We, the American people, relied on the truthfulness, integrity, fullness, and completeness of the information about Iraq that the President provided to us. We were, like the Enron fraud victims, entitled to honest information; we were entitled to know the truth about Iraq so we could make informed choices about our lives, how our money was to be used, whether and where our children, parents, spouses, siblings, cousins, and friends were to be sent into battle, and the actions of our country in the world – the actions being taken in our name.
The President, the Vice President, and their most senior advisers have perpetuated a massive fraud upon our country. Their crime was – and continues to be – far worse than the Enron fraud. We must not shrug our shoulders and walk away.
    December 11, 2006 | 7:24 PM

    Excerpt from Bob Geiger’s interview w/Harry Reid [!] http://bobgeiger.blogspot.com/2006/12/conversation-with-senator-harry-reid.html

    Reid: I closed the Senate — closed it down, for the first time in a long, long, long time. I did it because Republicans were stonewalling us on investigating why we went to war. There were five issues that were to be looked at by that committee and since I closed the Senate, we’ve only gotten two of them. Now that we’re in charge, with Senator Rockefeller, we’ll get the other three.

    We’re going to find out how intelligence was manipulated, taking us to war. We have to look back to be able to look forward. We’re going to do both. We’re not going to limit ourselves to looking back but we have to look back in an effort to go forward. [Audio]

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