give ’em hell, Harry!

Posted on Monday 23 April 2007

… It is unquestioned that we have long term security interests in seeing Iraq become stabilized, peaceful, and yes, one day, a functioning democracy. The President’s current path does not take us there —

— But let me offer you that different course – one that is supported by majorities of the House and the Senate, and I believe reflects the will of our military leaders and the American people.

Our first step immediately transitions the U.S. mission away from policing a civil war– to training and equipping Iraqi security forces, protecting U.S. forces and conducting targeted counter-terror operations.

This transitions our mission to one that is aligned with U.S. strategic interests, while at the same time, reducing our combat footprint. U.S. troops should not be interjecting themselves between warring factions, kicking down doors, trying to sort Shia from Sunni or friend from foe.

Our second step calls for beginning the phased redeployment of our troops no later than October 1, 2007 with a goal of removing all combat forces by April 1, 2008, except for those carrying out the limited missions I just mentioned.

This puts pressure on the Iraqis to make the desperately needed political compromises;

It reduces the specter of the U.S. occupation which gives fuel to the insurgency;

It allows some of our forces to be moved to other areas of the world where they are needed, such as Afghanistan;

And it allows our badly strained military force a chance to rebuild. With not a single non-deployed Army unit battle- ready, this is critically important.

Our third step imposes tangible, measurable and achievable benchmarks on the Iraqi government so that they will be held accountable for making progress on security, political reconciliation, and improving the lives of ordinary Iraqis who have suffered so much.

Our fourth step
launches the kind of diplomatic, economic and political offensive that the president’s strategy lacks, starting with a regional conference working toward a long-term framework for stability in the region.

And our fifth step rebuilds our overburdened military to give them the manpower and support they need to face the daunting challenges that lie ahead. We call for an end to the deployment of non-battle ready forces and we include billions to improve the military health system.

Our five-point plan is part of the $120 billion emergency supplemental funding bill the Senate passed with bipartisan support.

Today, our House and Senate Conference Committee is meeting to hammer out the details of the bill that we will send to President Bush.

It will contain the elements I have JUST outlined.

This plan is a strategy for success. President Bush’s response has not been to rebut our plan on the merits, but rather to attack us for developing a new plan. And in an all too familiar tactic, he has deployed the Vice President as chief attack dog.

This is the same Vice President who said Iraq has weapons of mass destruction — that we would be greeted as liberators — and that we know Saddam Hussein had links to al Qaeda. To suggest he lacks credibility would be an understatement.

The Vice President demeans himself and diminishes his office by offering wildly irresponsible and inaccurate attacks on us and our strategy. He seems more interested in sound bites than sound policy – and his record shows it…
Thanks, Harry…
    April 23, 2007 | 7:07 PM

    Wow! The last two paragraphs nearly brought me to tears! There is hope! (I hope.)

    April 23, 2007 | 8:30 PM

    Yeah. It was pretty great. I was afraid they were going to back down…

    April 23, 2007 | 9:04 PM

    I hope more and more people hear the messages that Harry is sending to the President and our fellow Americans Nine more soldiers died when their patrol hit a ied today.

    Abby's mom
    April 24, 2007 | 5:36 AM

    I was buoyed by the fact that NBC news showed clips from this speech on its Nightly News tonight. Also, my local Democratic party called and asked us to donate for a special drive to get support for an override of the expected veto. We gave and I wrote our senators. In the state of GA that’s tilting at windmills, but still, if our representatives don’t hear from us, they’ll feel free to support W.

    April 24, 2007 | 4:35 PM

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