oh, Harriet…

Posted on Monday 23 April 2007

Harriet Miers resigned on Jaunuary 4, 2007. At the time, the Press speculated:

When news reports at the time suggested that she might leave as part of Bolten’s initial shakeup, Miers talked to Bush and kept her job, the sources said. After Democrats captured Congress in November, the issue was revisited and some Republicans were told before Thanksgiving that someone else would be brought in.

Miers had told colleagues that she planned to stay until the end of the administration, but after several conversations with Bolten in the past week, she agreed it was time to move on. "We’re entering a new era here in the White House, and they both came to that conclusion," a senior administration official said.
I wonder about that in retrospect. This was only five days before Senators Dianne Finestein and Patrick Leahy blew the whole U.S. Attorney/Patriot Act loophole business wide open with a letter to Alberto Gonzales. I suspect she saw all of this coming and flew the coop in hopes of avoiding the aftermath.

There in a fine timeline of this DOJ scandal at TPM Muckracker

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