
Posted on Monday 23 April 2007

While I spent yesterday hiding from the pollen reviewing the doj scandal instead of frolicking in the beautiful Spring weather, there was something of a media event percolating on Firedoglake. They had eRiposte of the left coaster hosting Carlo Bonini discussing the book he wrote with Giuseppe D’AvanzoCollusion. This is the most under-reported story of my lifetime. It’s the story of the Niger forgeries and the cataclysmic horror that can arise when two right-wing governments collide – George W. Bush’s America and Silvio Berlusconi’s Italy.

A petty Italian sociopath, Rocco Martino, had put together a dossier of forged documents that purportedly showed Iraq buying Yellowcake uranium ore from Niger. When 9/11 happened, the Italian CIA, SISMI, revived the burned-out hoax and passed it on to the U.S. in a form that made it’s untruth slightly less likely to be discovered – but only slightly. SISMI‘s motive? Silvio Berlusconi’s motive? To be a "big guy" with the U.S. Bush’s motive? To fight the war in Iraq that he and his neoconservative thugs came to power to fight. The result? The Iraqi holocaust that we find ourselves participating in with no apparent way out.

Bonini and D’Avanzo [of the Italian newspaper, La Republica] were the people who exposed this story in Italy. eRiposte is the blogger who has done the most to  clarify it in the U.S. I think there are lots of reasons this story never has reached the widespread Press attention it deserves. But one reason is that the story is so ludicrous and childish, that it’s hard to buy that real governments and their agencies behave this badly and irresponsibly. So take a look [and read the illuminating comments]. Even better, buy the book and pass it around.

While you’re at it, At the Center of the Storm by George Tenet is just around the corner… 

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