nostalgia: liberal values

Posted on Monday 7 January 2008

Read carefully between the lines of what Bob Schieffer expresses in his final comment on Face The Nation this past Sunday:

A couple of nice things happened in Iowa that should not be overlooked. An African-American won the Democratic caucuses in a state that is overwhelming white and race was not a factor. No matter who you wanted to win, it’s good to know that can happen. On the Republican side, it was nice to know that every once in a while, an election cannot be bought. Mitt Romney poured millions into Iowa but Mike Huckabee beat him with a smile and a shoeshine and not much more. Forget who won and lost. It’s good to know that money does not always guarantee victory.

Did you catch it? It’s been a while so it’s hard to recognize it when it does, but that was just a MSM pundit celebrating liberal values, like colorblindness, diversity and merit over entitlement and saying that we should all look upon them as a good thing.
John Amato’s video-blog Crooks and Liars has long been a favorite, but he caught me off-guard with this post. He’s completely right! It’s been a long time since I’ve heard someone say something positive about Diversity, or Women’s rights, or Civil Rights. They are the so-called Liberal Values [though I just think of them as Values]. This Administration has been so reactionary, so regressive, so bigotted that I’d forgotten that there was a time when we basked in the progress we’d made in my lifetime prior to January 2001 when the dark curtain came down.

Thanks to John for the reminder…

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