who are “These Guys?”

Posted on Monday 7 January 2008

When I was reading George McGovern‘s op-ed about impeaching Bush and Cheney, I was struck by his sub-heading "Nixon Was Bad. These Guys Are Worse." Of course he’s right, they are worse. But who are "These Guys?" He’s obviously talking about George Bush and Dick Cheney. But when it comes down to brass tacks, they are just the most powerful, but not the worst. That title goes to David Addington, Cheney’s [now] Chief of Staff [AKA Mr. Torture]:


He’s the one who had the outrageous theories – the Unitary Executive, Torture is OK, etc. He’s the one who twisted and turned the law to justify things that will shame America for all times. If there’s an "Axis of Evil" in the world, Mr. Addington is a contender for a seat – the kind of misguided Narcissist who never fires a shot, but has been the architect of most of what’s wrong with our country right now. Though Karl Rove made it happen, David Addington was the force behind the "it" [that happened]. Here are a few references for light reading in case you’re not onto this "Guy:"

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