prudent thing? how about right thing…

Posted on Monday 5 May 2008

Fox anchor Jaime Colby asserted, “The Brits think we overestimate the threat of Iran in this particular case. Are they right or wrong?” Bolton — who has previously claimed that the “mullahs in Iran” want a Democratic president in 2008 — responded: "I think they’re dead wrong on this. I think this is a case where the use of military force against a training camp to show the Iranians we’re not going to tolerate this is really the most prudent thing to do. Then the ball would be in Iran’s court to draw the appropriate lesson to stop harming our troops"…

Bolton has asserted that preventive war against Iraq “did work” and “achieved our strategic objective.” Moreover, he has openly stated that the U.S. should have no interest in the well-being of Iraqis…
Fox News has become ouvertly the "Cheney Channel." – with Rove, Bolton, Gingrich, etc. But Bolton is the most ominous. We owe the Iraqis nothing for destroying their governmenf and turning Iraq into a bloodbath. An interim appointment of this man to the United Nations was Bush’s biggest affront to America.

Whenever I see Bolton, I always think the same thing. It’s true that the President has the power to make interim appointments to posts when Congress is not in session. This is obviously a power granted for emergency situations. It was never intended to be used to go around the Congress. We all know that. But it can be used that way, as we have seen. The thing I think when I see Bolton goes like, "I know that technically you have the power to appoint people during Congressional recesses, even people that Congress is obviously not going to confirm, but do you think you’re right to do it?" It’s like with Valerie Plame, I want to ask, Another one, "I know you can’t be prosecuted for outing a couvert C.I.A. Agent if you didn’t know she was couvert, but do you think it was right to reveal her identity?" Or "I know you’ve gotten a legal opinion from John Yoo at the Department of Justice that said torture is okay, or that the Geneva Conventions don’t apply, but were you right to follow that opinion in secret?" Or "Mr. Bush, we apparently cannot prove that you were A.W.O.L. from your National Guard obligation, but do you really think you served your time in grade?"

Congress is not going to approve bombing Iran. That’s a given. We’re hearing the music from Petraeus. Crocker, CENTCOM, Cheney, Bolton, and Bush’s Media arm – all lobbying to bomb Iran. John Bolton, Fellow at the American Enterprise Institute is saying it’s prudent. "You’ve got another old legal opinion from that same fellow, John Yoo, that can be construed to say that you, George Bush, can order a strike against Iran. Knowing, as you do, that we don’t want that, is it right for you to bomb Iran?"

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