
Posted on Monday 8 August 2011

I included as one of my criteria for membership in the fraternity of pseudoscientists having published "hundreds and hundreds of articles." So, I took a look at a couple of prime candidates – Drs. Charlie Nemeroff and John Rush. I was stunned by the numbers. For "Nemeroff CB" there are 639 articles listed in PubMed spanning 36 years. The timeline of his career: 1973-1976 PhD program; 1977-1981 Medical School UNC; 1981-1983 Psychiatry Resident UNC; 1983-1985 Psychiatry Resident Duke; 1985-1991 Faculty Duke Psychiatry; 1991-2009 Chairman Psychiatry Emory; 2004 Stepped down as editor Neuropsychopharmacology; 2006 Reprimanded by Emory for unreported income; 2008 Investigated by Senator Grassley, stepped down as Emory Chairman; 2009-Present Chairman Psychiatry Miami:
John Rush finished Medical School and Internship 1n 1969. After a stint in the Army, he finished his Psychiatry Residency in 1975. He was on the Faculty at Oklahoma until 1978 when he moved to the University of Texas, Dallas where he was Vice Chair of Research. In 1996, he developed the TMAP Program. In 2004, he was the Principle Investigator for STAR*D [publications for STAR*D in blue]. In 2008, he was investigated by Senator Grassley, left UT, and moved the the Duke program in Singapore:
The graphs speak for themselves. It’s inconceivable that anyone could write that many medical articles, even if that’s all they did. Obviously, their names were on papers developed by others. But the reason I compiled these graphs was a curiosity about why someone would even want to be listed as an author on that many papers. Although I left Emory before Dr. Nemeroff came, I was there when he was applying and received a copy of his CV. I recall my reaction vividly – it was awe, but not in a positive way.  Looking at a CV with hundreds of papers, one doesn’t think, "What a great scientist." What one thinks is , "What’s wrong with this guy?" Both of these men averaged an article and a half every month for over thirty years! Now look over their CVs [Nemeroff and Rush] and at all the other things they were doing. Impossible that one can do credible scientific research like that. Just impossible. I stand by my criterion…

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