
Posted on Friday 3 February 2012

    February 3, 2012 | 6:40 PM

    Mickey, I hope you’re not serious about this. This is not good news.

    Today’s dip in unemployment is just an optical illusion — it’s largely due to record amounts of long-term unemployed no longer counted as unemployed any more by the BLS (bullshit labor statistics) because the long-term unemployed have maxed out their UE benefits. In fact, the labor force participation rate is now at a 30-year low!

    The unemployment stats are just as cooked as any ghost-written psychiatric study, Mickey. I hope you know that. As one person said about the BLS, “The more your brain hurts, the better the job government statisticians are doing.”

    More here (the graphs are particularly astonishing):

    Evelyn Pringle
    February 4, 2012 | 9:02 AM

    I think I have to agree with SG here.

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