
Archive for May, 2008

it happened one day in February…

[returning on line after our site was ‘hacked’ yesterday] I enjoyed staying up for the returns from Gary Indiana. It felt like old times. I’m not going to join the chorus about Hillary Clinton staying too long. I’ve liked her except for some of her votes, and I understand that she is struggling and doesn’t […]

send help!

Remember Scott Bloch? This time last year [04/24/2007] I read this with high hopes: Low-key office launches high-profile inquiry The Office of Special Counsel will investigate U.S. attorney firings and other political activities led by Karl Rove Most of the time, an obscure federal investigative unit known as the Office of Special Counsel confines itself […]

up the hill…

Pins and Panders Obama Wears His Independence on His Lapel  Sometimes I think the best thing about Barack Obama is that little empty space on his lapel. It is where other politicians wear the American flag pin, a kitschy piece of empty symbolism that tells you nothing about that particular person except that he or […]


Osama bin Laden successfully drove us crazy by bombing New York City. We called it "Terrorism." Rush Limbaugh is bombing the Democratic Primaries by urging all Republicans to vote for Hillary Clinton.   Who knows how much effect this is having on the results – how much it’s undermining Obama’s Campaign? 

two Americas?

It seems actually possible that the same forces in our country that were operative in 2000 and 2004 are operative today, and capable of electing  Bush  McCain  again . Yet, I don’t think those people who might try to do that [elect McCain] support the War in Iraq, or our continued troop presence there, or […]

prudent thing? how about right thing…

Bolton: Striking Iran ‘Is Really The Most Prudent Thing To Do’ Fox anchor Jaime Colby asserted, “The Brits think we overestimate the threat of Iran in this particular case. Are they right or wrong?” Bolton — who has previously claimed that the “mullahs in Iran” want a Democratic president in 2008 — responded: "I think […]

( life )

Hundreds of thousands of people were reported to be homeless Monday and food and water were running short in parts of Myanmar in the wake of the devastating cyclone that smashed urban buildings and obliterated villages two days earlier. This first decade of our new century is a mess: Global Warming with climate change, War […]


Thumb on the Scales Josh Marshall As some mix of manic euphoria, delirium and exhaustion settles over Democrats nationwide, it’s worth stepping back from the clamor for a moment to consider just why it is the Democrats have superdelegates in the first place and whether the whole concept should be abolished. Obama supporters say that […]

is something wrong with this story?

( life )

Is Horse Racing Breeding Itself to Death? The camera cut away from her, but it should have stayed on her. Eight Belles had run herself half to death yesterday, and now the vets were finishing the job as she lay on her side, her beautiful figure a black hump on the track. Horses don’t just […]

the darkest cloud in a gloomy sky…

A Prison of Shame, and It’s Ours …On Thursday, America released Sami al-Hajj, a cameraman for Al Jazeera who had been held without charges for more than six years. Mr. Hajj has credibly alleged that he was beaten, and that he was punished for a hunger strike by having feeding tubes forcibly inserted in his […]