Finally, the Story of the Whistleblower Who Tried to Prevent the Iraq War Of course, Katharine Gun was free to have a conscience, as long as it didn’t interfere with her work at a British intelligence agency. To the authorities, practically speaking, a conscience was apt to be less tangible than a pixel on a […]
Now here’s an interesting take on things. When I first overheard it coming from the other room, I thought it was a Saturday Night Live skit or something from The Daily Show. No, it turned out to be Campbell Brown on CNN. While most of think that, given an open format, Sarah might fall flat […]
Palin Takes Reporters’ Questions But on Thursday, despite the McCain-Palin campaign saying they would suspend campaigning until Congress had dealt with the financial crisis, Ms. Palin made a campaign stop at ground zero in Lower Manhattan, and finally “fielded” four questions… “Do you agree with the way the Bush administration has carried out the war […]
I’m in love with Congresswoman Marcy Kaptur [D Ohio], my new favorite Representative![Sent by daughter Abby]
Well, though I am kind of a night owl, I don’t watch Late Night T.V. But last night, after a day when McCain had suspended his campaign to rush back to Washington, I heard Olbermann was filling in for McCain [who also canceled Letterman], and I decided to watch. I have never laughed so hard! […]
Did McCain Blow Off Letterman to Pre-Empt Sarah and Katie? Help me with the timing on this.justify Sometime–either earlier today or earlier this week–Sarah Palin sat down and taped an interview with Katie Couric. The first part of that interview airs this evening. Then instead of showing up for a scheduled interview with David Letterman, […]
In case you haven’t heard, Dave Letterman was supposed to have John McCain as his guest tonight but McCain cancelled at the last minute. Letterman was pissed, beyond pissed. Apparently, McCain called him and said he was flying back to Washington because of the financial crisis. Lettermen couldn’t stop talking about it. Then, in the […]
Where are the C.E.O.’s? Where are the Mortgage Bankers?
Years ago, when life seemed too serious, I used to watch Jim Bakker and Tammy Fay "Praise the Lord!" It always brought me back to reality [or took me away, depending on your perspective]. Since they crashed, I’ve not had an outlet that lived up to the Bakker’s standard – until recently. In the last […]
The Iraq War In its eight months prior to 9/11, the Bush Administration ignored repeated warnings that the al Qaeda Terrorist Organization was planning a major attack on American soil. After the planes crashed into the Twin Trade Towers in New York, Bush declared a War on Terror. He added, "either you’re with us or […]